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Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa

Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa

SKU: 126351351935
PriceFrom $5.00
Sales Tax Included

Note: Currently small as they have been grown from seed.

The Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) is a short lived perennial wildflower native to the central and eastern United States.


This plant grows in full sun and reaches heights of up to 1-2 feet with a width of up to 1 foot. It enjoys sandy soils that are well-drained. It is tolerant to drought and a range of soil pH levels.


The blooms are a bright orange and appear in summer and early fall.

This plant attracts an array of wildlife, and is the larval host to the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus) and soldier butterfly, (Danaus eresimus). It also attracts hummingbirds, and bees, which benefit from the nectar and pollen produced. Additionally, the seeds of this plant provide food for birds.


Propagation can be done by planting seeds or dividing the rhizomes. Seeds can be stored for several years and require a period of cold stratification to germinate.


Learn more with FNPS

  • Life Span


  • Bloom Season

    Summer through early fall

  • Soil Type

    Loam, or sandy well drained soils

  • Drought Tolerance

    Tolerant once established

  • Salt Tolerance


  • pH

    Acidic to neutral 

  • Phenology

    Winter Dormant 

  • Sunlight Requirements

    Full Sun

  • Size

    1' - 2' tall by 0.5' to 1.5' wide

  • Bloom Color


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